Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not Entirely Idle Hands

So this blog has languished. Yes, it's true. But if I described it once as a clarified notebook, then I suppose, like a notebook, one can pick it up at anytime, dust it off, and start again.

I'm not making any promises here, (and no one's listening if I did), but I do think the Water Tree House will get a little more action in days to come. That's all I'll say for now.

I want to post couple of links of some stuff I've had published in the last year. Interestingly, they are pieces that I both wrote and illustrated, a fun process for me. I'll put the pictures here and link to the text.

So, first was an odd story that came out of my dreamings while listening to Dylan's "Please, Come Out Your Window." It's called "A Hole in the Wall Called a Window." Many thanks to Andrew Kozma for encouragement and the title. This piece was taken by Sidebrow an interesting lit-site that was nice enough to let me post an illustration, too. Here's the image--I was still baby-stepping with PhotoShop at this point.

Th second link is to a very cool project put together by the folks at The Owls lit blog, and particularly by the poet (and my friend) Sean Hill. Below is the image, or you can go to The Owls blog where you'll find all kinds of cool folks doing all kinds of great stuff.

Enjoy. Hopefully I won't stay away for quite so long.